When we moved overseas a year ago, I quickly realized I would be spending a lot of time in the kitchen. I wanted it to be a place that was functional and life-giving, which for me, usually means lots of color mixed with earthy textures and of course, organization. Since there is often the potential for guests, I also wanted everything in the kitchen to have a place and be easy for others to find what they need. Here’s a peak into my life in the kitchen.
Category: South Asian Life
Tips & Facts you Should Know for Your 1st Trip to South Asia
If you’re planning a trip to South Asia, check out these tips before you pack your bag–from greetings to water and what to wear.
How My Mentality Towards Fall in South Asia Has Changed This Past Year
Everything from pumpkin puree to fall colors and festive fall parties– all the fall things are just different overseas. My mindset has changed this year and I’m striving to embrace what this South Asian version of autumn brings.
Adapting to Life Overseas: Noises at Night
Learn a little bit about South Asian night life and animals of South Asia through videos, photos, and stories.
Processing the Joys + Challenges of Birthdays Overseas
Birthdays are a great reason to celebrate, eat familiar food, and enjoy community when it often feels like all those things have been stripped from you (at least for a while). But what about all the opportunities for unmet expectations? Are there perks to having birthdays in a country other than your own?
Monsoon Essentials
What’s helpful to have for monsoon season? Here are 6 things I like to have with me to weather the storms.
10 Things I’ve Learned about South Asian Villages
This is what you might see if you visit a village in South Asia. The sights, the food, the roads, the animals, the beauty, and the people. Oh, and how do you get two vehicles across a rushing river with only a small foot bridge?
7 Ways Married Life Changed When We Moved Overseas
We knew life would look different overseas but we didn’t realize exactly how and in what ways it would change. There are some things we knew about the culture in general but didn’t realize how much it would effect us and our marriage. We hope this gives you a glimpse into what we’ve experienced in our marriage overseas.
Adapting to Life Overseas: Thoughts at the Desk
My desk is filled with language learning scraps, books, notebooks, flashcards, colorful markers, and assignments. It’s a place where I have language lessons on Skype, plan my time, study flashcards, and do language and computer work. Studying can feel monotonous and learning can feel slow which is why I knew I needed a space I could make my own.
Sabbath Breakfast Traditions
Traditions. I’m realizing they don’t have to be stressful events or grand ideas. Traditions are simply celebrations or routines that you prioritize and create on a regular basis– whether weekly, monthly, or yearly. Over time, traditions create memories for you and others that will last a lifetime.