Marriage, The Great Outdoors, Trekking

Our 2nd Anniversary Camping Trip: Goats, Caves, & Monsoon Rains

We were craving some time outdoors and just a cheap break away from normal life, technology, and the busyness of daily life. Even though it was monsoon season, we decided to take a risk, pack our rain gear and go for it. Although we thought about it a little bit ahead of time, it still seemed lasted minute so I just grabbed some food we had in the pantry and quickly ran by the store.

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Language Learning, New Normals

Adapting to Life Overseas: Thoughts at the Desk

My desk is filled with language learning scraps, books, notebooks, flashcards, colorful markers, and  assignments. It’s a place where I have language lessons on Skype, plan my time, study flashcards, and do language and computer work. Studying can feel monotonous and learning can feel slow which is why I knew I needed a space I could make my own.

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Holidays + Seasons, homemaking

Easter Overseas: A Quiet Celebration

Corporate worship took place in a house. We all sat on mattresses on the floor and  the hubs and I worshiped in a language other than our own. After the message, we passed around the offering basket (a bright blue bag) as usual, each putting our hand inside and dropping colorful money.  Next, we sipped hot chai and munched on banana chips as we talked (or attempted to speak) in the language.

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Holidays + Seasons

The 4th of July: As American as South Asianly Possible

You don’t really end up celebrating holidays overseas unless you make it happen. There’s no decor at Hobby Lobby or Target to remind you of what’s coming up or work calendars with the day marked “Holiday.” When you live overseas, you have to remember holidays, initiate, plan, and create so the day doesn’t come and go without you even celebrating it. 

So, the hubs and I decided to host a 4th of July Party. I had no decorations except for 2 little American flags I inherited from someone who went back to the States.

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