grace, faith, + life overseas, Language Learning, South Asian Life

6 Things I’m Grateful for During Lockdown Life

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Let me just say that Lockdown Life in South Asia has been difficult.

There is no grocery delivery service.

There are no restaurants open for take-out.– no restaurants open. period.

There is no hammocking in the woods. (tried that. it didn’t go well).

There are no walks or runs or hikes.

There is no leaving your house. (except for a few hours each day if you HAVE to get groceries. We’ve been doing a grocery run once a week.)

There is no driving your car. (only walking or a motorcycle/ scooter)

For us, like everyone else we talk to, there have been lots of ups and downs over the past several weeks. We’ve had to say goodbyes that have no time stamp on them. We’ve wondered how to help those around us who are struggling but we don’t really know how or where to start. We’ve had to decide whether to stay or go. Some people assume we have the virus since we are foreigners and thus many rules aren’t always the same for us.

Today, I confessed to my husband my thoughts and feelings of jealousy and comparison towards the grass-is-greener feelings regarding the state of life in the States. People can get take-out, enjoy drive-through coffee, be outdoors, hike, bike ride, and run. I confessed my complaining and grumbling even though I made up my mind in January that I would strive to have a year of “no grumbling or complaining.” It’s real and raw but I didn’t want to sit in it. I was reminded of this truth in Philippians:

Philippians 2 (CSB)

v 5 Make your own attitude that of Christ

v 8 He humbled himself

v 13 God is working in you enabling you to will &

act for his good purpose.


v 16 Hold firmly to the message of life

It can be easy to feel like things really would be easier if we weren’t still in South Asia and to be fair, they probably would be more convenient in many ways. But I then come back to the peace my husband and I have about being here. To the fact that I shouldn’t feel entitled to drive-throughs or easy cooking or being able to go on a hike whenever I want. Those are all extras and they are all blessings. What are the controllable elements in our life that we CAN be thankful for? What can we make the most of in this current season of life and in this pandemic?

My grateful list in this COVID-19 season

1. Leading Worship over Zoom with my Husband

My husband and I enjoy singing as he plays the guitar but neither of us have led anyone other than friends or family huddled in our living room. We’ve been reminded over the past several weeks that when our souls are downcast, we have all the more reason to look to God, put our hope in Him, and praise his Holy name. We’ve enjoyed leading a few small groups of people online and it has blessed our souls so greatly.

“Why am I so depressed? Why this turmoil within me? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, my Savior and my God.”

Psalm 42:11

2. Working on our marriage & pursuing the best year of marriage yet

One of my aims at the beginning of the year was to pursue the best year of marriage yet and what perfect timing since now we pretty much have no choice. I’m glad we are together in this lockdown and can work on giving grace, growing in love, work through ups and downs and all that life brings when you say, “I do.” Over the past few weeks we’ve cried together, laughed together, and had heart to hearts while downing a whole bowl of homemade kettle corn. (As you can see, exactly three sprinkles stuck to only one piece of popcorn. I found the rest at the bottom of the pan.)

3. Getting into Lockdown Language Rhythms

I am still studying language every week day which has led me to feel anything but bored during this time. This is what I aim for each day even though it doesn’t always happen so perfectly.

  • study 30 minutes of language in the morning
  • practice 1.5 hours with a language helper online- sit on balcony
  • lunch with the hubs. We usually find ourselves eating lunch and watching The Office for a 20 min break
  • 1-2 more hours of language with a teacher
  • work out
  • check up on friends and make phone calls
  • make dinner

4. Workouts + the Treadmill

I am still loving Btribalfit and the community of people all over the world that encourage one another through working out and wholistic health. The workouts are fantastic and the people are so kind.

We have never used our treadmill this much before but it has been wonderful for an afternoon walk or a morning run since we aren’t able to hit the street.

5. Nightly Quarantine Journaling

I started this little notebook over 35 days ago and never knew how much it would help me process the day or foster gratitude. I underline the names of the people I talked with that day (besides my wonderful husband) in yellow and what I’m thankful for in pink. Here’s a few snippets of some of the things I’ve been journaling.

Day 24 “Attempted to make Churros from Disney’s recipe online. They tasted amazing but looked like the droppings of what you’d find in your cat litter box.”

Day 25 “Thankful for our friends who we talked with today– joys, struggles, fears, difficulties, and Disney Cat Litter Churros. haha.”

Day 26 “Currently I feel like crying and I don’t really even know why. Some days are exhausting and I don’t even realize it until I wake up the next day having overslept.”

Day 27 “Made whipped instant coffee (all the rage) and honestly it was better than the cheap coffee beans we used the other day.”

Day 31 “Thankful for One World Together at Home Show that made us smile and feel connected to others.”

Day 32 “Thankful for blender lemonade and listening to books on the Scribd App while laying in the hammock in the sunshine.”

6. Enjoying cold coffee & pick-me-ups

Okay, so we raided our friends houses (with permission) and gladly took their coffee off their hands since they didn’t need it anymore. None of it is high quality coffee but we are definitely rationing it. We don’t drink coffee multiple times a day so I don’t really feel like I am a barista but I have loved making fun healthy drinks for little afternoon or mid-morning pick-me ups.

Here are a few of my favorite healthy & happy drinks I’ve recently made.

Iced Cinnamon Honey Latte from The Merry Thought

Oh my word! This is our new favorite. We’ve been making it every day as our morning coffee.

Beet & Banana Smoothie

I’ve never made anything with beets but had some leftover from my naturally dyed Easter eggs so whipped up a smoothie and we both loved it.

1 banana
1/3 c beet (boiled)
3/4 c milk of choice
1 c ice
1 T chia seeds
2 T honey

5 Minute Vegan Golden Milk from The Minimalist Baker

Golden Glow Water from Half Baked Harvest

I’d love to hear how are you doing and what you’re grateful for in this season too?

5 thoughts on “6 Things I’m Grateful for During Lockdown Life

  1. Ellen B Hymes

    April 28, 2020 at 12:21 am

    Hi Rachel! I’m so grateful that you have lots of interests and outlets and responsibilities to fill your day! So human to think the grass is always greener. But it’s not! It’s greenest right where God wants us! Thanks for the recipes!

    1. admin

      April 29, 2020 at 8:07 am

      I love what you said, “It’s the greenest right where God wants us.” Right where He has us is the best place to be. Thank you for that little nugget of encouragement– so true!

  2. Julie Babcock

    April 28, 2020 at 3:44 am

    You are so transparent and REAL!! Truly, we all have felt that way. “it’s raw and it’s real , but I don’t want to sit in it” love that quote! and those 3 tiny sprinkles that stuck- just 3???? Your balcony photo is clean and bright. and all those good recipes ! thank you. We can’t see all that He is doing but we can trust He has you right where HE wants you! (He didn’t ask me). Love you.

    1. admin

      April 29, 2020 at 8:08 am

      Thank you so much for your feedback and love! Love you lots.

  3. April

    May 1, 2020 at 11:08 am

    thats so cool! I didn’t know that you guys led worship. i look forward to worshipping with you one day!
    and i appreciate how transparent you are!! <3

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