grace, faith, + life overseas, Health & Fitness, New Normals

Your Answer to Kick Butt Home Fitness

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You know those days when you want to do a workout at home but you don’t know what to do? Or you search on YouTube or a free workout site hoping that you come across something that fits the qualifications of a good workout but is also encouraging at the same time. And even if it’s a pretty good workout, what about relationships? What about community?

Like college days, when I just had to look down the hall, ask a handful of girls at any moment if they wanted to go on a run or go to the gorgeous campus gym and viola, I had an instant workout partner.

Some people are not talk and run kind of people but I am. It makes the time go by faster, the pain less noticeable, and allows me to connect with others. I love learning how people are actually doing–just being real, having heart conversations, and going deep. We need relationships, friendships, and all the better when we can drip sweat and get stronger at the same time. Working out with others fosters fellowship that can give life to your soul.

Let’s be honest– for many of us, working out at home will actually make it possible for us to be able to work out at all. Whether you are a mom with kids at home, live overseas and don’t have a gym option, or working out at home is flat out just more doable, I have a kick butt solution for you.

Just take a sip of the CoolAid. At least give it a try for 1 week. (fo free)

It’s called Btribalfit.

  • It’s an online community (or an in person community if you live by others who are a part of this community too  :-))
  • of women
  • who’s goal is doing fitness together –building physical + emotional strength while building each other up
  • It involves accountability, a balanced lifestyle, and connectedness.
  • Workout Categories Include: HITT, Barre, Strength training (circuit workouts), Cardio, Tabata, Bands, Pilates, Boxing, Aerobics, Weight Training, AMRAP (As many reps as possible), and more…
  • You can do pretty much any workout without weights or equipment but to get the most out of each workout, a few items are needed. (yoga mat, 3’s & 5’s weights, resistance bands, pilates ball)
  • The workouts include both low impact + high impact options.
  • The Btribal community also uses an app to communicate. You can join a tribe with other women, keep each other accountable, encourage one another, share recipes, and stay up to date on the workouts. (This has been super helpful)
  • And its only $12 a month (plus the first week is FREE so you can try it out)

And for the record… I did some research on the cost of other online workout “programs” (for lack of a better word). They ranged from $14 to $27 per month so there’s that. I’m happy with $12 a month and feel like it’s doable and totally absolutely and positively worth it.

I am still new to the Tribe but can honestly say, I have already felt physically stronger, more connected to others, smiled and laughed more, and have just been a more joyful person since joining.

I have always been a runner (and still love to run) but the cray cray monkeys, dogs, stares, semi-village neighborhood, and our schedule had me rethinking what fitness would look like for me in this season and on this side of the world. Btribalfit has seriously been a game changer. It has kept me sane during 6 hour language learning days, when its 50 degrees inside and I just need to sweat to warm up, or when I need to let out some stress. It’s always refreshing to be encouraged by Brooke Robinson (Btribalfit Gal) saying something positive (or hilarious) while filming a workout video when most days I can maybe say two proper sentences in my new language before I just stare and smile. As if to say, “I’m usually not this quiet of a person but that’s all I remember how to say right now.” I’m thankful for the evidence of grace in my life to have even found this sweet community. Perfect timing.


What do you like to do for fitness? Let me know if you check out Btribalfit. I’d love to know what you think!









One thought on “Your Answer to Kick Butt Home Fitness

  1. julie babcock

    January 19, 2019 at 2:20 am

    HA! this is so good , Ra! I want to keep reading it… I guess Iam next for the free week trial. Your honesty is good ! I understand how this is so important for you to have in your life too.

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