New Normals

5 Aspects of Life Overseas that are Beginning to Feel Normal

Last week, we enjoyed a motorcycle ride around the city watching fireworks and looking at Christmas lights during a holiday in our country that is basically a cross between Christmas & the 4th of July. We each crammed an AirPod in one ear (which really does feel crammed with a helmet on) and listened to Christmas music together as we pretended that it actually was the holiday season, despite the fact that it was only the being the beginning of November.

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Holidays + Seasons, homemaking, New Normals

Changing Seasons: A Country Without Autumn

A county where the norm when buying a pumpkin is to buy a piece of a pumpkin. Yes, just a slice. “How many KG’s (Kilograms)?” is the question I get. What could you possibly use or need a whole pumpkin for? It’s one thing to cook a pumpkin because of a pumpkin craving but be aware… it might just be white inside and not smell like a pumpkin at all (not that this happened or anything).

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Moving Overseas

3 Questions for Processing the Realities of Cross-Cultural Going + Sending

The night I said my “see-ya-laters” to most of my family, my dad gathered us all around a campfire to process together. He came prepared with a sheet that included three questions for each of us to answer  (no matter if your role was a sender or sent-out one). After a few minutes of quietly scribbling our answers on paper with old middle school year books for “something hard to write on” –that wasn’t distracting at all. haha!– we shared our hearts with each other. Included below are answers from different family members.

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The Great Outdoors, Trekking

Grace + Peaks

My heart has been in love with the mountains since I was a little girl when I first visited my grandparents in the Tetons. My cousins, sisters, and I would play for hours in a treehouse that gramps built among the pine trees. Bears would wander through the front yard and one time Grandma even shoed off  a bear with a broom since it was eating bird seed in the front lawn.

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