Marriage, New Normals

7 Ways Married Life Changed When We Moved Overseas

We knew life would look different overseas but we didn’t realize exactly how and in what ways it would change. There are some things we knew about the culture in general but didn’t realize how much it would effect us and our marriage. We hope this gives you a glimpse into what we’ve experienced in our marriage overseas.

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Marriage, The Great Outdoors, Trekking

Our 2nd Anniversary Camping Trip: Goats, Caves, & Monsoon Rains

We were craving some time outdoors and just a cheap break away from normal life, technology, and the busyness of daily life. Even though it was monsoon season, we decided to take a risk, pack our rain gear and go for it. Although we thought about it a little bit ahead of time, it still seemed lasted minute so I just grabbed some food we had in the pantry and quickly ran by the store.

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In Person at Last: Real Life Dating and The Proposal

We had many conversations about marriage and we both knew we were in it for the long haul. I don’t think it was a certain moment. I remember asking my friend how she knew she was supposed to marry her hubs. She said there comes a point when you know enough about someone, his hopes, dreams, plans for life, and you just decide that you want to spend the rest of life with him. I realized there is usually not a clear voice or a crazy calling.
There’s just a moment –a moment when you realize you are better together than alone.

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