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How to Pack up your Host Country House for Extended Time Away

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In July 2020, I found myself trying to figure out how to pack up our house for monsoon season for the first time. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know how long we would be in the States. And I only had a few days (which was more than some people had at that time).

I texted other expats and asked what to do, scrambling to figure out how to prevent things from molding and keep bugs out. I came up with a list and cranked out each task. When we got back to our home 6 months later, I added to it from all the other lessons I learned that you would never think of beforehand like bobby pins rusting onto workout headbands, the inside of bike helmets molding from sweat residue, and maggots in the microwave. Gross!

Here’s what I learned

  • In general, try to have items as clean as possible before you leave. The cleaner clothes, pillow cases, kitchen towels, oven mitts, motorcycle helmets, appliances, and other items are, the less likely they are to mold.
  • ideally have someone check your house every week or two while you are away, especially if it is rainy season or there is a lot of humidity.
  • do not leave food in cupboards (except maybe oil). Oil is usually fine but ants love wheat flour, meal moths love seeds and nuts, some bugs can eat through ziplocks and wrappers, & rats and mice can eat through plastic containers.
  • (up to your discretion) you can put nonperishable items such as oats, packaged flour, and sugar in the fridge if you leave it on. I also leave things like ketchup, sauces, and Chick-Fil-A sauce 🙂 in the fridge as well.

Enjoy the Free Printable Below

There I was again, less than a year later and in the same position–unexpectedly returning to the States, this time for the birth of our first child. Within minutes of finding out we needed to leave, I pulled this document up on my computer, printed it out and was ready to get the house and our belongings in shape. So thankful I had thought through this before!

I hope it blesses you too, fellow expat!

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