South Asian Life

Journaled Thoughts: The South Asian Scooter

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Fri. April 19. 2019

A scooter here is not what you think of in America . A Kick Scooter — the little metal folding contraption with Spiderman designs on it that has a place for one of your feet as you push and coast down the sidewalk.

A scooter or scooty in South Asia — a type of motorcycle with a frame that contains a platform for the riders feet. There’s a little place under the seat to store a few things and a foot rest on the left side since 99% of women passengers ride side saddle.


The first time I rode a scooter was the second day we were in our city. We were living with friends and hadn’t unpacked one bag. I was terrified of the scooter but hopped on and my husband graciously showed me how to steer and shift my weight to turn. Some people told me you don’t have to really lean but you do have to lean (ever so slightly) to turn. Anyways, I tried again a while later (as in weeks later) and slowly grew more confident in maneuvering the machine.

Today I’m thankful that I have now reached the point where I can be independent. The hubs wasn’t feeling well so he stayed home today and I was still able to get everything done that I needed to. Dropped something off at a friends house, met with my language helper, visited friends, and picked up coconut milk at the grocery store. I am still working on learning stick shift and driving a car in these hills but I am currently thankful for the scooter that allows me to get around quickly.

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