Pregnancy, The Great Outdoors

10 Things I’m Grateful for in 2021

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1) Our son!! –The miracle and blessing of a child

There are simply no words to describe the feelings, joys, and blessings of parenthood. We realize we are only 6 months in and have a lot ahead of us but we wouldn’t change it for the world.

2) A healthy pregnancy & access to healthy foods, high dose Vitamin C, exercise programs, and mental prep resources.

Living in a developing country has definitely made me more aware of the abundance many of us live with and never even think about. Things we often take for granted– the resources, the access, the education, the medical professionals and providers, the supplements and support.

3)Coming back to the States

We were planning to be in South Asia to have our son so it was a surprise when we realized we would be heading back to the States. It truly was a blessing in so many ways.

We also didn’t know we were having a boy until we came back to the States since it’s illegal to find out the gender where we live. At 32 weeks, we officially found out a boy was on the way.

4) Passing my language exam

Language learning has been the most challenging aspect of life overseas so it was truly a win when I passed my language exam.

5)Listening to the Word via the Dwell App

Listening to the Word doesn’t replace reading and studying it but the Dwell app has been a huge blessing this year. When we were traveling through airports, on road trips, exhausted, in the newborn season, or just need to be still, it was life-giving to have a way to open an app and listen to the Word. I even made a playlist on Dwell with verses for labor and allowed the Word to wash over me, reminding me to trust in the Lord and dwell on his Word.

6)Celebrating Passover with friends (4 adults + 5 kids + 1 in the womb)

During 2020, we hosted a Passover Seder liturgical reading on Zoom but it was wonderful to be able to celebrate with friends this past year. Our friends’ kids participated and it was a sweet time of reflection on Christ, the Passover lamb.

7) Being able to spend so much time with extended family

Since we were back in the States, it was a unique opportunity to hug the necks of sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and many more!

8)The beauty of creation as we prioritized time outside

9) The people and places we were able to see as we traveled

10) Having our dream birth at a birth center

You can read about our son’s birth here but it was truly amazing and ALL the Lord’s grace on us.

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