This past fall, a series of unexpected circumstances came up and we ended up needing to move out of the house we were living in within a matter of days. We ended up finding something on Airbnb labeled a “cottage”, which was really just a fancy name for a little blue trailer home.
tiny home. tiny trailer. tiny family of three
Our home was nestled underneath large oak trees surrounded by serious RVers. And when I say serious, I mean people who had TVs in compartments on the side of their RV and watch Sunday football games from a lawnchair or who powerwash the fake grass on their front porch.
But, we loved it! We loved that outdoorsey & minimal living collided. Everyone we met in the community was welcoming and friendly.
I quickly realized that in that small of a space if you leave three or more items out of place, it looks completely disheveled. Between the laundry pile, cloth diapers that were waiting to be stuffed, our suitcases, and baby toys scattered throughout the living room, it pretty much looked like we never put anything away.
Eli slept in our closet and it wasn’t a walk-in. It had sliding mirror doors & a little ledge above the drawers at the bottom of the closet. Every night our three-month-old drifted to sleep in his travel bassinet that fit perfectly between the closet walls.
We spent many mornings drinking coffee and reading the Word on the front porch–serenaded by birds chirping cheerfully.
Afternoons were often spent doing computer work on the porch while Eli napped outside in his bassinet, complete with a mosquito net cover.
No matter where we are living or what comes up, God’s grace is truly evident. The Lord continually provides! We had no idea where we were going to move next and we needed to be out of our previous living arrangement in three days. By that evening, the Lord had provided and we had everything we needed— a little kitchen, a small washer and dryer, and a place to sleep.
Whether we are in a traditional home, a trailer or a tent, God is near and we can take refuge in him (ps 16:1). He makes known to us the path of life.
It’s not a dwelling that makes our hearts at peace
but it’s in His presence where we find fullness of joy
(paraphrased from Psalm 16:11)
My prayer is that we truly live out these truths. If I’m being honest, my heart often idolizes comfort and I find myself tempted to think that fullness of joy is found in my circumstances, rather than in Christ.