homemaking, Transitions

His Perfect Timing: A Temporary Home

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We feel a little like homeowners but we aren’t. We are just blessed!

We’ve been in the States for over six weeks. We moved into the house I will most likely begin labor in and the one we will bring our little boy back to.

Here’s how the Lord provided …

We were about to move forward with a great option for housing several weeks ago, however it wasn’t free or furnished. We were going to borrow furnishings for several months from church members who had items to spare. But the day we were going to sign the papers, I got a double ear infection and my husband was sick too. We said we would come in the next day since we needed to literally move the next week on Tuesday to settle & nest a bit before baby comes. 

That very evening we got a call from a sweet lady who is a member of a fellowship in the next city over & is in charge of a nearby house owned by the church. She said they unexpectedly had a family move out. The house we had asked about weeks ago, before we had come back to the States, was now available. It is fully furnished and free. And we could move in on Tuesday. 

Talk about the Lord’s perfect timing! 

What a reminder that He’s got this. 

Even when life feels chaotic and frustrating, may we stop and remember that the Creator of the universe has NOT forgotten us. 

We can trust him, always.

It only took two cars and one trip to move the twenty minutes from where we were living the first month we got back to the States to this house. We filled some bags and boxes with food items, baby things, clothes, cosmetics, and shoes. And that was that. Since both houses are furnished, there really wasn’t much to the whole moving process and we thank the Father for his provision and to the fellowships who have the capacity and funding to maintain houses for those in need. It’s no small task.

I’m currently sitting in the living room and simply trying to take it all in. The drawback curtains and tiny little bathroom are evidence of the 80s. There is a whole wall ahead of me full of mementoes from around the world–carved animal statues from African, grass woven shoes, and a painting from Paraguay. The big window on my right invites light in from the backyard that will soon be glowing with lightning bugs like little torches repeatedly turned on and off.

and now the baby laundry can begin

This home has been flooded with love and hands who have furnished it and continue to care for it so that we can have a place to stay. We are have been transitioning from one place to another and never want to take these little abodes for granted. A cozy place to settle for one month or for several months is truly such a blessing when we are away from our “home” in South Asia.

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