DIY Projects, Health & Fitness, Travel Tips

DIY Travel Medicine Box

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When you travel across the world on a semi-regular basic (or just across town), you never know when you will need charcoal pills for food that isn’t settling well, meds for a pounding headache, or Melatonin for the plane ride or for when you plain can’t fall asleep.

I have been keeping a variety of basic medicines in my purse and noticed that some of them are getting crushed. They no longer are easy to come to the rescue when you really need it if they have disintegrated into a fine powder. I needed a little tiny container, but not just any container, I was looking for a very specific size.

There it was, in Target as I breezed passed the travel cosmetic/health section with all the tiny containers of shampoo and mouthwash. A clear plastic container stuffed with 50 cotton swabs. I instantly knew that the little 99 cent container was the chosen one for this DIY.

Supplies Needed:

The steps are obvious but since it’s a DIY, I figured I might as well include the directions πŸ™‚

1. Empty your container and take off all labels

2. Label each tiny bag with the name of the medicine you will put in it

3. Put a small amount of the corresponding pills into each bag

The ear plugs didn’t fit in the container but they are pretty sturdy so I think they will be fine outside the container.

We always travel with one good set of earplugs cause you never know when you’ll need them to sleep.

4. Place medicines in the container and label

I absolutely love this $10 label maker that requires no electricity or batteries. It’s completely manual and super easy to use.

Happy Traveling!

2 thoughts on “DIY Travel Medicine Box

  1. April

    February 4, 2021 at 11:55 am

    i love this! will totally steal this idea

    1. admin

      February 6, 2021 at 8:47 am

      Thanks! It has really helped me keep things organized and prevent meds from getting crushed. πŸ™‚

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