Health & Fitness

Balcony Barre with Btribalfit

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We’ve been living this balcony life for 45 days now and I think we are beginning to get used to it. We’ve tried to get into lockdown rhythms and be outside as much as possible. Sometimes it’s phone calls while pacing back and forth on the balcony or laying in the hammock. Other times it’s studying language on the outdoor couch or my new favorite, Balcony Barre class with Btribalfit. Barre is a hybrid of ballet mixed with strength training, pilates, and dance.

Pick me… Sign me up… endorphins here I come.

Before November 2018, the month I began Btribalfit, I had done exactly one Barre class in my life. I was living in Birmingham and some friends invited me to a class so I ventured into a studio I knew nothing about. Barre is one of those workouts where you go in and you think its going to be super easy and then 30 minutes later, you realize your legs are shaking and you’re not sure you’ll be able to walk out of the building. From that day on, I respected people who were into barre workouts in a whole new way.

Barre is now one of my favorite types of workouts and during lockdown I realized my balcony is the perfect place to have barre class. As the name implies, you do actually need a bar to hold on to for some exercises. Our balcony railing now has three purposes: 1) to keep people from falling off our 3rd floor 2) allow us to hammock and 3) provide equipment for barre class.

I go to my happy place of dragging my yoga mat, 1 KG (2.2 lbs), 2 KG (4.4 lbs), and 4 KG (8.8 lbs) weights to the balcony and pressing play on my phone. Within minutes I hear a voice on the other side of the screen telling me to keep squatting, keep lifting, keep going, and keep focusing on the here and the now.

I hope you are able to find a workout routine and type of workout that you enjoy too!

When you show up or press play again and again, you WILL see and feel a change– you’ll become mentally & physically stronger. You’ll become more confident in your own skin. You’ll start to enjoy it more and more. You’ll want to spread the word and encourage others to do the same.

I have truly seen a transformation in all the things and it has made a difference. Remember, if working out were easy, everyone would be doing it. You’ve got this!

2 thoughts on “Balcony Barre with Btribalfit

  1. Brandy

    May 5, 2020 at 4:49 pm

    Love, love, love! 💖

    1. admin

      May 6, 2020 at 4:02 am

      Thank you, friend! And Thanks for encouraging me in Btribalfit from the beginning and inspiring me.

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