I love organization, if you can’t already tell, and I also love pretty things. Which is why I put thought into my language notebooks even before I actually moved overseas and began learning a foreign language. I definitely could have purchased a notebook here and I’m sure it would have all worked out. But… a moleskin quality notebook with paper that is
मोटा (thick or fat) would have been a tossup to even find and if found where I live now, would have been more expensive due to import fees.
Thus, I brought moleskins and happy writing utensils from the States. Color makes me happy and I knew I needed to be excited about language learning from the start, even if it meant being giddy about colorful moleskins and pens.

Moleskin notebooks: For my main language class, I use moleskin notebooks. They help with organization as well as motivation. I write all over the page and I don’t like to be confined by lines so in my opinion, blank works best for language study. I also like the little pocket ones for re-writing grammar points, writing new words you hear in the community, keeping track of new vocabulary, or copying down stories you want to remember. They are super easy to carry around since they fit in your pocket, purse, or bag.
Paper Mate Flair Felt tip pens for underlining, drawing symbols, writing colorful grammar titles, and so much more.

Good black pens or Erasable pens. I don’t use the erasable pens but it would be super easy if you made a mistake in your notebook (which happens a lot). —I know you’re advising me to use a pencil but I really don’t like writing with pencils 🙁
Pimsleur app for language learning: A subscription based app using a specific method that uses interval recall and listening.
Recording apps such as Voice Recorder . This is super helpful when you have your language helper record stories, language drills, and vocab.
Blank business cards –purchased locally overseas (since studying with notecards isn’t really a thing here). I use notecards mainly for vocabulary words.