There was indeed one stretch of the road on a recent trip that looked much like your average highway in America. But, my husband and I thought again and began to play the game of “What proves we aren’t on an American road?” Here’s what we observed…
- A goat being transported on a motorcycle
- Temples on the side of the road
- Men standing alone and facing bushes, trees, buildings, etc. (aka. peeing)
- Someone driving the opposite direction on the highway
- Cows calmly chillin’ in the middle of the highway
- Three wheel tuk-tuks
- People sitting on top of wood being hauled by a tractor
- Horse drawn carriages for marriages
- Policemen who have had no training on how to direct traffic
- Leather shoes sold on the side of the road
- People sitting on top of a moving bus
- People riding in the back of dump trucks
- Stray dogs sleeping, running, playing … on, in, and around the road
- Men carrying guns or swords
- Women carrying a ginormous bundle of wheat or branches on their head
- A family of five on a motorcycle
- Carnival-prize-winning giant hot pink stuffed bears for sale
- Bus horns that sound like a xylophone
- A wedding processional happening during midday in the middle of the road
- A celebratory processional/ parade for a baby’s first haircut
- Misspelled signs like “Hair Saloon”
- A fire truck urgently coming down the road with a fireman running ahead of the vehicle to direct people out of the road
- Someone selling you plastic glasses with a built in water gun at a stoplight
- Every 2 seconds you hear another honk
- A shepherd with a herd of sheep and goats taking up the entire two lane highway
- Women sitting “side saddle” on the back of motorcycles
- Monkeys eagerly waiting for scraps of food to be chucked out of a window at any moment
- River crossing could entail driving through a river, not over it
- Someone bathing in a water spout or river
- Someone in little rubber sandals high up in a tree cutting branches for their animals