Micah Daniel’s Birth Story: Unmedicated Water Birth in South Asia
Micah Daniel ~ March 17th, 2023 ~ 12:15 pm in South Asia ~ 7 lbs 8 oz ~ 19.5 in Trigger warning- after […]
Micah Daniel ~ March 17th, 2023 ~ 12:15 pm in South Asia ~ 7 lbs 8 oz ~ 19.5 in Trigger warning- after […]
I quickly realized there just wasn’t enough luggage space for a long folding bassinet or a hefty woven Moses basket. Our three 30-pound bags and 2 carry-ons were already bursting at the seams. I was going to have to figure things out when we got settled in our Airbnb.
Here are 12 things I’m doing to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually for labor and postpartum but most of all, I want to trust God’s perfect timing and my body.
Instead of the typical baby shower focusing on gifts, this focused on words of encouragement and prayers spoken over my friend and I as we prepare to give birth in our host country.
Adding a little one to the family is normally considered a big life transition but as an ex-pat, there is often so much more involved than having a baby and coming right home. Our life is filled with more transitions than we can count. During yet another life transition, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or blow things out of proportion, but the key is keeping the right perspective and remembering the truth.
I’m 36 weeks pregnant and packing to go to another city in our host country where we will soon have our baby boy. Amidst racking my brain about what we will need for the next two months as we live in a South Asian Airbnb, I also have been thinking about how we can prepare our 18-month-old to become a big brother.
What a full year. Our little boy went from being a baby to a pre-toddler. We started the year in the States and ended the year in South Asia, with a trip back to the States in between.
Eli’s first real camping trip is in the books. I’ll be honest, it wasn’t as glamorous as it might look, it was quick, thrown together, and there were some rough patches. But we overcame the hurdles and headed to the only car camping spot we know of nearby.
All of these meals are ones I can pretty much make at any time of the year. I hope they give you some ideas if you are in a meal planning, dinner cooking rut–we’ve all been there. I’m here to share some ideas.
Our son was 14 months and we hadn’t camped yet. Our intention was to go sooner but with constant monsoon rains and threats of landslides, there is no way we could have pulled it off before we did. We wanted to ease into it so we decided to camp on our balcony one Friday evening at the beginning of October.