As a list-maker and planner, I generally enjoy feeling prepared and organized and it was no different as we prepared for baby #2. Our plan was to drop my 20-month-old at our friend’s Airbnb and they would take care of him unless she went into labor at the same time. In that case, their friends would come over and watch their kids and Eli. I wanted a detailed list of a typical schedule and other useful information in case it was needed. I definitely didn’t expect them to follow the schedule but wanted to provide a reference for what his day generally looked like and when he eats and naps.
Simple Packing List
(I printed a list out and highlighted everything that I needed to pack last minute)
- shoes & socks
- diapers (10)
- wipes (half a pack)
- 3 t-shirts
- 2 shorts/ pants
- pajamas
- reusable pouch (for yogurt or other foods if needed)
- water bottle
- fork and spoon
- milk cup
- bib
- spill proof water cup for sleep
- snacks
- carrier (or car seat in the States)
- sound machine & chord
- paci
- blanket
- stuffed animal
- photo of our family (this helped him take a nap at our friend’s house. He was pointing to it.)
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- (toys- if needed for the house he is going to or at the hospital/birth center)
- (pack + play-if needed))

Tentative Schedule + Other Information Template
Here is a simplified version if you want something similar as you prepare for another baby too!
Download for free below.

I’d love to know if there is anything else you would include in a bag for siblings or on an info page for friends or family!
First Image by Snuggle Diaries.
July 7, 2023 at 6:04 pmOkay! I love all this thought! I just drop my kids with grandparents and say “Thank you!” lol. But I am also the worst with babysitters.. I am like they can eat whatever we have, bedtime is at 7:30, call if you need me! Something like this would probably help my sitters feel much more at ease!