Pregnancy, The Great Outdoors, Trekking

Sabbath Day Hike in the Foothills at 22 Weeks Pregnant

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The Sciatica or whatever it was that was causing pain during pregnancy subsided last week. Praise the Ld because it was seriously difficult to even talk a walk down our street.

So naturally, we decided it was time for another outdoor adventure. My husband spent a little time on Friday researching routes in our area. He found one that led to a beautiful waterfall but wasn’t one that took all day since we planned to have a Saturday Sabbath potluck breakfast with another family in the morning. (Hello, cinnamon rolls, potato and egg hash, and french press with cinnamon simple syrup.–good food and good fellowship)

We drove an hour down paved roads until we got to an insanely bumpy dirt road with a mountainside on the left and a cliff to the right. I just held my belly and tried not to look down while my husband maneuvered over each rock in 4 wheel drive.

Once we got there, we invented a park spot and began the hike toward the “way to water fall ;-)”

The Rhododendrons are in full bloom!

Cafe next to the waterfall.

Trail mix snack next to the clearest little pool of water we’ve seen here.

Two dogs who followed us half way back to the car. Whenever we stopped, they looked at us like this.

Difficulty: easy

Distance: 2.7 miles

Total Elevation Gain: 516 Feet

Temp: 75- 80 degrees F

Kid Friendly: depends on what you are okay with. There are definitely drop offs and the trail is narrow in some parts

3 thoughts on “Sabbath Day Hike in the Foothills at 22 Weeks Pregnant

  1. Sallie

    March 18, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Looks like a beautiful spot! Glad you are doing well!

  2. Ellen B Hymes

    April 7, 2021 at 2:28 am

    Why am I just noticing this now??? Such great adventures you are having! Love the “cafe”!!!! Thanks for the many glimpses you are giving us of your life, Glad there are so many things to enjoy about the area!! I know that really helps! Blessings!!

    1. admin

      June 30, 2021 at 10:55 pm

      It truly is a blessing to have recreation and options where we live! So true. What a gift!

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