homemaking, New Normals

What’s in the Fridge: Food Prep for the Week

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Most Sundays, I attempt to meal plan and prepare food for the week. I tried a schedule with Mexican Monday, Thai Tuesday, and so on but it just didn’t work for me. I still have my recipes sorted into these types of categories but I like to try so many different things that my meals change from week to week.

There are a few things that I have been making very regularly, though, and these items have consistently made it on my go-to Sunday prep list.

Orange Cranberry Granola

This cranberry orange granola from Cookie and Kate is my absolute favorite. It’s super easy to make, healthy, and deliciously flavorful. Also, we have oranges most of the year, which is another reason why its a go-to fav. When I didn’t have oranges, I’ve made it with lemons and its still fantastic.

Combinations: yogurt and granola, oatmeal and granola, or just cereal with granola and your choice of milk.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Hardboiled eggs are a super easy breakfast add-in as well as lunch. If you have boiled eggs, you can whip up egg salad sandwiches for lunch in no time.

Egg Salad: eggs, yogurt or mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and dried dill (that I brought from the States)

Coconut milk

No- I didn’t make coconut milk but I put it in a jar for easier storage. I’ve been putting honey and coconut milk in my coffee for a while and am a huge fan.

Overnight oats

Overnight oats are one of my favorites since they can be eaten cold or heated up in the microwave in the morning with no prep. I like to add granola to them in the morning and sometimes add sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds too.

I got the recipe from a friend …

1/2 c oats
1 t cinnamon
1 t flax seed
Mix together in a jar and add...
1/2 c almond milk or other milk
1/2 t maple syrup or honey
1/3 cup chopped apple -3 apples for 6 jars. (cut small) 

Almond Milk

I’ve recently been exploring new milk options. If you buy or make almond butter, almond milk is super healthy, tasty, and easy.

I used this recipe from Detox Inista with dates, water, and almond butter. It says no straining but I usually end up needing to strain it for a better consistency.


Last but not least– kombucha! Still going strong with my kombucha brew game. Chai spiced kombucha is a combination I came up with and it’s one of my favorites. It’s also super easy since I usually have theses spices on hand.


4 cloves
pinch of ginger powder
2 cardamom seeds - crushed until pod is open
1 cinnamon stick or 10 scraps of various sized cinnamon bark or 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
(stir and let sit on counter for 3-4 days)

I’d love to know what some of your favorites are that always make there way into your fridge. What do you tend to prep (or want to prep) each week in order to feel ready to go?

3 thoughts on “What’s in the Fridge: Food Prep for the Week

  1. Julie B

    March 31, 2020 at 6:31 pm

    love those ideas ! I have to clean and cut veggies for the fridge weekly to have them readily available. Also love to open a can of chicken and make chicken salad. I have to admit with costco handy it saves many shortcuts. I loved your granola so much ! also love to make cookie dough and leave frozen balls in the fridge for fresh warm cookies. !!

  2. Christy

    April 1, 2020 at 1:27 pm

    Could you include more details on the buch, do you use tea or water, is a starter needed?
    Can you get avocados? Mashing avocados with hard boiled eggs makes a great egg salad with out mayo.

    1. admin

      April 2, 2020 at 2:19 pm

      Absolutely! I am working on a Kombucha photo tutorial to help people out. You have to have starter tea (which could be kombucha in bottle) but you also need a scoby too. Mine is mostly black and green tea with a little bit of water to fill the rest of the jar up. And I SO wish we could get avocados– we love them.

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