grace, faith, + life overseas, Health & Fitness, New Normals

My South Asia Quarantine Journal

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Yesterday was the first day things actually felt different.

So I started a Corona pandemic experience journal.

quarantine: a restraint upon the activities or communication of persons or the transport of goods designed to prevent the spread of disease”

according to Websters Dictionary.

I technically am not under a quarantine, that comes tomorrow, but I decided to use the word in my journal title because to some degree during this experience, there is and will continue to be restraint or restricted movement among society.

Yesterday there was an urgency and awareness that things will be changing in the coming days. It feels like we are living in slow motion waiting in the stillness for something invisible yet chaotic to arrive at our doorstep at any moment. While many other countries have been shutting things down and encouraging social distancing, that has simply seemed like unnecessary precautions here, until just the other day. I’ve been talking to friends and family in the States who have been practicing social distancing for weeks but things are just starting to get to us in this little village -city in South Asia.

Everyone’s experience will be slightly different during these unprecedented times.

It’s important not only to process what you’re experiencing but also to have a way to remember the day-to-day, the sites, the sounds, and the feelings.

We have no idea how long this is going to last or what our worlds are going to look like even one month from now.

For me, I want to take the time to write down things like:

  • what I do each day
  • the people I connect with
  • what I’m thankful for & praying for
  • what God is teaching me,
  • what I create, make, or bake &
  • what is happening with the virus in the city and country I live in

So here is Day 1 of my experience…

Covid-19 has Arrived

Day 1.  Friday.  March 20, 2020.  My Home in South Asia. 

“Today was the first day it felt like things in our city were different. Grocery stores were bustling & workers were re-stocking shelves in the middle of the day. 

  • My Btribalfit workout was amazing and I am so thankful for it!  
  • I had language Skype class for 2 hours as usual. Since my teacher lives in a different city, it’s always online. She said many of her students from other countries are returning to their home country. 
  • A neighbor came over needing help with a fish in her tank that she thinks is sick. I tried to practice social distancing but it is so difficult here because this is such warm culture & people are just physically close a LOT of the time. Within 1 minute of our conversation, we laughed about something, and she touched my hand as if to say ‘oh my word, that’s hilarious.’ I helped her with the fish, we talked, and drank black tea. 
  • Next was grocery shopping to stock up on some things with my hubs. We don’t have canned items here so we bought lentils, egg noodles, one carton of 24 eggs, aloe vera & rubbing alcohol to make hand sanitizer as well as other items I won’t bore you with. The highlight of the trip was finding a bag of walnuts that was clearly labeled cashews. Hahah! 
  • On the way home, I practiced driving the car. This time I drove all the way home from the practice football field and got to 3rd gear! Woohoo! 
  • We also saw this gorgeous rainbow on the way home too. God is faithful!
  • In the late evening, we heard about the first few cases of Corona in our city. ” 

Tomorrow, the whole country is participating (hopefully) in a mandatory lock-down. It’s basically a test to see if people can follow directions to stay home. As time goes on, I’m sure there will be more cultural experiences to be had during these difficult times in this country I love that is not my own.

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