People told me language learning would be difficult but now I am truly learning just how sanctifying it is. You move your whole life to another country and then realize you can’t even buy groceries or ask where something is. Even after 20 language classes, which sounds like a lot but that’s only 1 month of studying language, my conversation includes a few choppy phrases (maybe sentences) and that’s it. Here are a few lessons I have learned over the course of the 28 lessons I’ve sat through thus far.
#1. Language learning is a constant adjustment…
I have asked for language learning advice from many people, and everyone says something different. What works for one person might not work for the next; it’s all trial and error until you figure it out. I have been adjusting how I practice and what I do to study from week to week. I’m realizing you can get through college or a masters program by studying a certain way but language is just a different ball game. It’s not only memorizing information but growing in listening skills as you hear the language, rearranging sentences to match the new grammar structure, and speaking so you can actually communicate with others. I have been told after you find something that works, you will eventually have to switch things around in order to keep progressing. Everyone plateaus after a while so it really does feel like constant change but hey— I guess that’s normal for language learning.
#2. Language learning can be is awkward …
There are a lot of awkward moments that come with language learning and I am trying to learn to just embrace them. For example, imagine that you’ve only said 3 sentences but have already exhausted everything you know how to say. The only thing that is coming to mind are sentences like, “The blue pen is on the purple chair. The pretty picture is near the fast fan.” You just sit on the bed and look at the auntie and her daughter hoping they will start talking at you or to each other so you can at least learn a few more words from them and not be sitting in silence with nothing to say. For the fourth time that day, you just remind yourself that learning language means awkward moments where you feel insecure and you don’t know what to say or do. But those moments are worth it for the greater goal of learning language, loving people, and learning to connect with others in their heart language.
#3. Learning language takes bravery…
Getting out in the community or just going over to someones house honestly takes a lot of courage. It used to feel more life giving to talk and go deep with people at a coffee shop or curled up on the couch but, I’ll be honest, although I may be filled with encouragement and have laughed a lot, I have to muster up the bravery to just suck it up, leave my house, and be willing to fail. The reality is I can’t go deep and have heart conversations yet and it will still be a while. It takes time and bravery to practice a story (meaning 4 sentences) I know with a stranger down the street. The story might be about monkeys in the yard or a man who did miracles but it’s only in community that I will really learn the language and culture of the very people who I came to live among.
#4. Language learning needs to include a little fun + a lot of grace…
I am continuing to realize how hard I can be on myself. My expectations are high and discouragement is real. In all areas of life we are called to be faithful, not perfect. Language is not learned in a week or a month or usually even a year. Many things in life are a long and messy marathon. When there are time you just want to give up, remember you are called to perseverance + steadfastness. Mostly, I’m learning that I need to remind myself that there is grace. Grace upon Grace. Grace for me to not be so hard on myself. Grace for me to not compare myself to others. And Grace from the Lord, trusting that he is the one who provides for my needs.
Studying a language needs to also be wrapped up in some laughter and fun. A few weeks ago, my language helper and I wrote out a scavenger hunt for the 2 hours she was helping me that day. It helped me celebrate small victories and change my routine up a bit.
____ Go to someones house
____Practice a simple introductory conversation
____ Practice the names of 10 veggies or fruits in a garden or shop
____ Read 15 words in the language (signs or a newspaper)
____ Take a picture with an animal
That’s all the lessons for now, folks… but I am sure I’ll continue learning through the messiness of this language learning season. Feel free to comment about any language learning thoughts or ideas that you might have.