Rooted Reading

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What is Rooted Reading?

One-on-one instruction

Students receive individualized, direct and explicit phonics instruction.

Uses the proven Academic Associates® Reading Program

Rooted Reading uses the Academic Associates® Reading Program developed by Cliff Ponder, which is everything essential and sequential regarding phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. 

Sequential and comprehensive

One concept builds upon another. It starts with the 16 letters that only make one sound. Letters and combinations that make more than one sound are gradually added.

Warm, positive environment

Students are supported through an environment that meets them where they are. Students will be taught at a pace that is right for them and will not be rushed through the lessons.

Students typically advance 2+ grade reading levels

This program has helped thousands of students, including those with learning disabilities and dyslexia achieve reading success.

Most complete the course in 60-90 hours

Students typically meet for 2 one-hour sessions per week.

This Program is Rooted in the Science of Reading.

Components of Rooted Reading’s Program


When students internalize phonics rules taught throughout the program, they can read unknown words or vocabulary that they have never come across before. Students are taught to read each word based on the phonics and rules they learned in the course, rather than guessing.


As students become better readers, fluency (the pace of reading) usually becomes quicker and easier. Fluency is practiced as students read word lists each week that coincide with the phonics rules they learn as well as reading books and passages in the course when they are ready.


Students work on vocabulary as they read word lists and short stories with the teacher.


Reading comprehension is addressed after chapter four where students usually read with more ease and can give the mental energy needed for comprehension due to increased phonics skills. 

What parents are saying about the Academic Associates® Reading Program

Non-reading 1st grade girl

After 4 hours of instruction, she was able to read 100 words and is quickly gaining confidence.

6th grade boy reading at 4th grade level

He no longer needs to be pulled out for reading and ended the program at a 10th grade reading level.

7th grade girl reading at 2nd grade level

After 48 hours of instruction, my daughter was testing at a 6th grade reading level and is on the honor roll.

Free, no obligation reading assessment

$60 per hour

No contracts or obligations.

Typically 2 one-hour sessions per week.

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