Rooted Reading

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One-on-one instruction using the Academic Associates® Reading Program

60-90 hours of instruction

2 one-hour sessions per week is typical

Sequential and comprehensive

One concept builds upon another.

It starts with the 16 letters that only make one sound. 

Letters and combinations that make more than one sound are gradually added.

Students typically advance 2+ grade reading levels

This program has helped thousands of students, including those with learning disabilities and dyslexia achieve reading success

Students progress through lessons, each introducing specific decoding rules

How is this different than other phonics programs? 

Rooted Reading uses the Academic Associates® Reading Program, which is everything essential and sequential regarding phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. 

  • This program is a sequential, comprehensive, unique approach to learning to read.
  • One concept builds upon another.
  • About one-third of students pick up the skill of reading with barely any phonics instruction, but one-third will never read well without explicit phonics instruction. The other one-third learn to read but are not able to become excellent readers. No matter where you or your reader are in your journey, Rooted Reading is here to help.
  • The program is designed for:
    • Beginning readers
    • Struggling readers of any age
    • Accomplished readers looking for a boost
  • This program has helped thousands of students, including those with learning disabilities and dyslexia achieve reading success.

How does the program work? 

Students progress through 13 lessons, each introducing specific decoding rules

  • It starts with the 16 letters that only make one sound. 
  • Letters and combinations that make more than one sound are gradually added 
  • In the first lesson, all students read a word list of 300 words. Students will gain confidence early on. 
  • Reading comprehension is addressed after chapter four where students usually read with more ease and can give the mental energy needed for comprehension due to increased phonics skills. 

What else can you tell me about the program?

The Academic Associates® Reading Program provides its students with all the sounds needed to become a college-level reader.

  • By using the rules taught in the program, readers can read unknown words or vocabulary that they have never come across before. Here are some examples of other foundational reading concepts they will learn
    • The 5 sounds for the sound of “Y”
    • That “C” does not make its own sound, but copies “K” and “S” in words.
    • The 9 sounds of “A”
    • The 6 sounds of “E”
    • The 5 sounds of “I”
    • The 5 sounds of “O”
    • The 5 sounds of “U”
    • The rule that determines when C copies the sound of S, and when it copies the sound of K? (This rule affects about 250,000 words.)

Who will be teaching my child?

Franchise Owner, Academic Associates® Reading Program Teacher, Former Elementary Teacher & Mom of 3

Rachel Angell has a BS in elementary education from the University of Missouri. She taught  for four years and is a mom of two who loves to help students become excellent readers.

Rachel has a BS in elementary education from the University of Missouri. She taught elementary for four years including 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. During this time, she taught two years in an International Baccalaureate school and spent two years as a lower elementary Montessori teacher. She completed in-depth training to become a reading specialist who uses Academic Associates® Reading Program and is a franchise owner.

Rachel is passionate about teaching reading and helping others succeed. Like you, she believes that everyone deserves the chance to become an excellent reader. 

Contact Me

I’d love to answer any questions or inquires you have 🙂